
Business Internet banking

Need a sophisticated banking platform for your business? With intelligent user management tools, options for international traders and accounting integration, Business Internet banking puts you firmly in control of your finances.

Benefits at a glance

  • Access your accounts, balances and transactions 24/7 from your desktop or your mobile
  • Optional modules give you international banking and trust management capabilities
  • Operate accounts that need payments to be authorised by multiple users
  • Link Business Internet banking to your online accounting package to reduce double handling
  • You choose the tasks and level of access, including limits, for your team members
  • Check and approve payments, transfer funds and monitor your balances and transactions from your Android or iPhone

How it works

Reporting on balances and transactions

Financial reporting of balances, transactions and more

Business Internet banking lets you access all your Greenfield bank accounts, credit cards and foreign currency accounts.

  • View balances and ‘drill down’ to see each account’s transactions in real-time with up to two years' history -- filter your view by type of transaction, other party or amount.
  • View a summary of each account’s total deposits, total withdrawals and opening and closing balances over any time period.
  • Rename your accounts to display within Business Internet banking for easier identification.
  • Set up mobile or email alerts for deposits, withdrawals and specific balances, including overdrafts, for any or all of your team.
Business Internet banking Making Payments

Making payments

Making payments with Business Internet banking is fast and flexible.

  • Transfer funds between your accounts, schedule up to a year in advance.
  • Make payments to others, either as batches of single transactions or individual Same Day Cleared Payments.
  • Authorise multiple payments individually or in bulk.
  • Create payee libraries to save regularly used payee details.
  • Set up automatic payments.
  • Make IRD payments.

Business Internet banking can streamline your payment process. Rather than creating many single payments, your accounts team can create large payment schedules. They can use existing payees and previous payments as a template, or import the payment details from an accounting system. You then manage and authorise the payment as a single batch.

You can also require two or even three people to authorise payments. Each person can log in from any location, or from their mobile, and add their authorisation to a payment. When it’s fully authorised, you or your team can send the payment.

Comprehensive security options help prevent any anomalies or inappropriate payments.

Business Internet banking - Integrating with your accounting system

Integrating with your online accounting system

If you use Xero or MYOB, you don't want to enter payment details twice. Business Internet banking makes integration simple.

You can have all your Greenfield accounts – including credit cards, loans, term deposits and foreign currency accounts – automatically feed to your accounting system, every night.

Once you’ve entered bills to pay in your accounting package, you can then export them directly to Business Internet banking as a single batch payment, ready to authorise. You eliminate double-handling, save time and help prevent errors.
You can also manually export transactions from Business Internet banking, ready for your accounting package or your own spreadsheets.

Business Internet banking - Controlling staff access

Controlling staff access

Business Internet banking keeps you firmly in control of your finances. It lets you choose who can access which accounts, when they can log in, the areas of the system they can access and how much they can do and pay away in those areas.

You can create an unlimited number of users, each with their individual login ID and payment and/or authorisation limit.

Every action by every user is automatically recorded in the Business Internet banking audit log.

This level of control lets you replicate your current financial management processes within Business Internet banking, or even to use Business Internet banking to re-engineer and enhance those processes.

Business Internet banking - Security

Managing security

Business Internet banking helps to protect your funds from external threats.

Logging in requires a Business Internet banking code, user ID and password.

Authorising a payment requires a special one-off code from an electronic token or through the Greenfield Mobile Business app.

If the need arises, user passwords can be re-set immediately either by you or by phoning the Business Internet banking Helpdesk.

Mobile banking

The Greenfield Mobile Business app has been designed specifically for business owners and managers.

  • View balances, including credit cards and foreign currency accounts.
  • See up to 1000 transactions from the last three months.
  • View details of all sent and pending payments.
  • Authorise payments.
  • Transfer funds between accounts.
  • Register up to 10 unique Business Internet banking ID's on one mobile device.
  • Create payments to single or multiple payees.

Optional modules

Business Internet banking International

From making payments in multiple currencies to managing your letters of credit, Business Internet banking International is the perfect module for international traders.

Financial Markets Online

Monitor, manage and exchange foreign currencies easily and efficiently with Business Internet banking’s free module Financial Markets Online.

Business Internet banking Professional Trust

The Business Internet banking Professional Trust module allows you to create separate accounts for each client, for easier reporting and interest calculations.

Get started today

01. Join Greenfield

You need to have a Greenfield account to operate Business Internet banking and its modules.

02. Set up

Once you’re a Greenfield customer, simply call us and we’ll set up Business Internet banking for you.

03. Log in

We'll send Netcode tokens for each Administrator, so you can set up all the users you need on the system.

04. Customise

You can set your security settings, create payee libraries, set up alerts and integrate with your accounting package.

Set up Business Internet banking now

Join Greenfield online

We'll get you up and running as soon as possible.

Join now

Call us

Give us a call and we’ll get you set up in no time. We’re open Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 8pm.

+44 749-125-4881

Visit a branch

Visit us at one of our many branches across United States.

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We’re here to help you 24/7

Greenfield’s terms apply.

GreenfieldBusiness Internet banking

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