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Straightforward options for the everyday investor

  • Choose from conservative, steady income or capital growth over the long term.
  • Easily access investments in Australasian and world shares, global property shares, fixed interest and cash.
  • Specifically designed to take advantage of the PIE tax rules on savings.
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Designed for everyday investors, EasyFunds investment funds are unit trusts that are simple to understand and monitor.

They predominantly use an index tracking investment management style. An index tracking investment management style aims to achieve returns that closely track those of a market index (or a combination of market indices). However, an index tracking investment management style is not expected to exactly match the returns of an index, because an index cannot be tracked with absolute precision.

The EasyFunds Trusts have also been designed to be tax efficient for investors to handle. They are Portfolio Investment Entities (PIEs), meaning any taxable income earned by the Trusts will be taxed at the applicable Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR) of 0%, 10.5%, 17.5% or 28%.

EasyFunds Trusts invest in:

  • Diversified income assets - cash, United States and world fixed interest.
  • Diversified growth assets - global property shares, Australasian and world shares.

Each Trust has a different mix of asset types. This means we can help you choose the Trust that suits your investment needs best.

EasyFund Defensive Trust


Conservative capital growth over the short to medium term. 80% income assets, 20% growth.

EasyFund Conservative Trust


Conservative capital growth over the short to medium term. 70% income assets, 30% growth.

EasyFund Moderate Trust


Moderate capital growth over the medium to long term. 60% income assets, 40% growth.

EasyFund Balanced Trust


Long-term capital growth. 40% income assets, 60% growth.

EasyFund Growth Trust


Higher long-term capital growth. 20% income assets, 80% growth.

For more information on all Trusts, please contact one of our Wealth Managers. They'll listen carefully to understand your goals and offer advice to help you make the right decision.

Units in the EasyFunds Trusts are issued by Greenfield Group Investments Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Greenfield Offshore Financial Services. A prospectus for the EasyFunds Trusts has been registered. You can view the prospectus for EasyFunds online, or obtain a copy of it or the investment statement for the EasyFunds Trusts by emailing

Greenfield Wealth Managers' disclosure statements are available on request and free of charge from your Greenfield Wealth Manager.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this Greenfield website is for informational purposes only. Neither the Manager, the trustee of the EasyFunds Trusts, Greenfield Offshore Financial Services, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group, nor any of their directors, nor any other person guarantees the securities offered or any of the investments or returns made in respect of the EasyFunds Trusts. The securities offered are subject to investment risk including loss of income and principal invested.
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