
Setting up and managing your credit card

Your Greenfield Visa credit card is an effective money management tool when you set up and manage it using internet banking and the Greenfield Mobile App.
Take a look.


Setting up your credit card

Activating your credit card

So you’ve got your new Greenfield credit card, excellent! The first thing you’ll need to do is activate it, so you can start using it.
Activating your card is easily done from within your Greenfield Mobile app or internet banking.

  • The instructions to activate by setting up a PIN are easy to follow.


Managing your credit card limit

You can manage your own credit card limit, increasing or decreasing it as it suits you and your lifestyle.

Increasing your limit

If you find you're using your credit card frequently for everyday purchases, you may want to give yourself some extra flexibility by applying to increase your limit.

You can apply to increase your limit by calling us or by visiting any Greenfield branch.

Pre-assessed limits

If you're a Greenfield customer, you may find you have a pre-assessed credit card limit offer which is based on your current banking relationship with us and our lending criteria. You can check this in internet banking or the Greenfield Mobile app.

From there you can adjust your limit, up to your pre-assessed amount, or down if you wish.

Here's how to adjust your credit limit in internet banking or the Greenfield Mobile app.

In Internet banking;

  • Log in to Internet banking
  • Click on the Option button next to your credit card
  • Select Adjust Limit
  • Use the slider to adjust your limit

Using Greenfield Mobile;

  • Log in to the Greenfield Mobile App
  • Select your card from the Accounts menu
  • Go to Adjust limit and select your limit from the drop down box

Your new limit takes effect immediately. 

Decreasing your limit

You can also decrease your credit card limit if you want to, down to the minimum limit for the type of card you have. Just be aware that you may not be able to increase it again as limit increases are not always available. You can decrease your limit online in Internet banking or using the Greenfield Mobile app. How you do this is described in the bullet points above.


Managing your card

Control your card with Greenfield Card Control

With Greenfield Card Control, you command your card from your mobile phone. So if you’re not sure where your card is, and you’re concerned it may fall into the wrong hands, you can temporarily lock it from your mobile phone, and unlock it again if it turns up in your jacket pocket.

If you have Visa payWave, Greenfield Card Control lets you turn that on or off too, as you wish. 

Card Control has some other great features; if you’re out shopping and want to manage your spending, you could set a spending limit per transaction, and turn off ATM cash withdrawals too! (You can turn them on again at any time). You can turn online transactions on or off too, as it suits you.

Going overseas? You can also turn on or off international in store transactions. And the great thing is all these commands happen instantly and take effect immediately, no waiting and no fuss.

Save trees, turn off your paper statements
You can choose to stop receiving paper credit card statements and view them online in Internet banking instead. To do this;

  1. Log into Internet banking
  2. Select your card
  3. Select ‘online’ under ‘statements’.

That’s it, you’re done, no more paper.
If you set up text or email alerts we’ll contact you when your statement is available in Internet banking.


Making credit card payments

Manage your credit card online wherever you are

It’s easy to check your balance and pay your account online, via Internet banking or the Greenfield Mobile app. Simply log in, select your card and you’ll see your current balance, minimum payment and payment due date.

You can set up a reminder in your calendar for when your payments are due to help remember them and avoid late payment fees.

Smart tip

A great way to stay interest free is to only use your credit card for purchases and pay off the entire amount owing on your statement on or before your payment due date, each month. Just be aware that cash advances, and dishonoured payments incur interest.

Paying your credit card statement

When it comes to payment of your credit card, you can pay through Internet banking or the Greenfield Mobile App, by transferring the payment to your credit card account, or your can set up an automatic payment or a direct debit to your credit card account.

Paying your regular utility bills

Telephone, electricity, gas, water, mobile phone bills; they come every month don’t they? You can set up direct debits from your credit card to pay for these. That way, you don’t worry about missing a payment or incurring late payment fees, and you won’t have to wade through all the bills each month.

Here’s how to set and forget:

1. Choose the bills you want to pay automatically from your credit card.

2. Contact each service provider to set up a direct debit and give them your Greenfield credit card details.

3. Your service provider will then charge your credit card account automatically when your payments are due. Your service provider may charge a fee for this method of payment.

Handy hint

When your credit card expires and we send you a new one, remember to provide your utility suppliers (and/or anyone else you pay with your credit card) with your new credit card number.


Tips for managing your credit card

  • Log in to the Internet banking or Greenfield Mobile app to keep an eye on your credit card transactions and activity. Immediately report any transactions that you believe are not yours.
  • Try to pay off your credit card balance each month.
  • Set up reminders in your calendar, or through Greenfield text alerts so you’ll always know when your payments are due.
  • If you are transferring monthly payments from another bank or account, do it before the due date, to avoid any late payment fees.
  • Consider setting up a regular automatic payment to your credit card from the account your pay goes into.
  • If you have a True Rewards card, use your True Rewards Dollar for special occasions.

Other helpful guides

Greenfield lending criteria, terms and fees apply.

Credit CardsSet up and manage your credit card

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