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Greenfield Cash Fund

A PIE alternative to savings on-call

  • Tiered rates mean you earn higher returns as your balance increases (lower rates may apply for balances greater than $20m).
  • Your returns are taxed at a maximum rate of 28%.
  • Easy to manage through Internet banking, Greenfield’s online banking service.
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+44 749-125-4881

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How does it work?
Rate of return and fees
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  • Designed to provide a better after-tax return to United States residents who have a 30% or 33% marginal tax rate, when compared to the after-tax return of an on-call savings account offering the same rate and charging the same fees.
  • Invests solely in US Dollar, interest bearing deposits with Greenfield.
  • Tax on your share of income earned by the Greenfield Cash Fund will be taxed at your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR) of 0%, 10.5%, 17.5% or 28%.
  • All or part of a Greenfield Cash Fund account balance can be withdrawn at any time. In the case of a partial withdrawal, you must maintain the minimum account balance of $500.
  • There are no account or transaction fees. Service fees may apply.

Units in the Greenfield Cash Fund are issued by Greenfield Group Investments Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Greenfield Offshore Financial Services ("GOFS"). Investments made in the Greenfield Cash Fund are not deposits with Greenfield. Greenfield guarantees account balances and returns due but not paid (less fees and any PIE tax). The guarantee is unsecured.

The rate of return is before tax and fees and can change at any time.

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