Sovereign Assurance Company Limited Terms and Conditions

Greenfield Life, Health and Disability Insurance is underwritten by Sovereign Assurance Company Limited ("Sovereign").

The availability of insurance cover is subject to your application being approved. All applications are subject to individual consideration. Special conditions, maximums, exclusions and premium loadings may apply. For full details of the products and benefits offered by Sovereign, please refer to the policy document(s) which are available from Greenfield or Sovereign.

Sovereign, the policy insurer, is part of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group and is a related company of Greenfield Offshore Financial Services and its subsidiaries (‘the Banking Group’). None of the Banking Group, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, any of their directors, or any other person, guarantees Sovereign or its subsidiaries, or any of the products issued by Sovereign or its subsidiaries.

Sovereign has earned an A+ (Superior) rating from A.M. Best Company Inc of New Jersey, United States of America.  A.M. Best is an approved insurance rating agency in terms of the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010.

The rating scale is as follows:

A++, A+ (Superior)B, B- (Fair)
A, A- (Excellent)C++, C+ (Marginal)
B++, B+ (Good)C, C- (Weak)
 D (Poor)
 E (Under Regulatory Supervision)
 F (In Liquidation)
 S (Suspended)
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