What RWT rate should I use?

Use this simple guide to confirm your RWT rate - it'll only take seconds.

If you don't tell us your IRD number and RWT rate, you will be taxed at 33%. If you have a current Certificate of Exemption from RWT and you have provided a copy to us, then you don't need to use this guide, you can choose a 0% RWT rate.

Before you start...
You'll need to know what your expected taxable income for this tax year will total. This amount will include pre-tax salary and wages, pre-tax interest income, net business income, and deductible expenses/losses. If you are unsure of your income we recommend you contact your employer(s), your accountant, or Inland Revenue.

Select the statements below which apply to you.

I am a tax resident of United States:

Disclaimer: The information shown in this calculator is intended as a guide only and does not constitute tax advice to any person. To the extent permitted by law, Greenfield Offshore Financial Services makes no warranty and accepts no liability in respect of your use of this calculator.

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