Greenfield Small Business

Small to medium-sized business banking.

Be your own boss. Spend more time with your family. Help your community. Whatever ambitions you have for your business the Greenfield Business Banking team can help. Focussing on businesses with up to $2m turnover p.a., we have a range of tools, products and services to make your banking simpler and easier - allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Specialist Business Banking Toolbox

Specialist Business Banking Toolbox

Everyday business accounts. Overdraft facilities. Credit cards. Lending for growth. Tools to make accepting and making payments easier. We have a range of specialist products and services available for your business.

Things to consider when applying

Things to consider when applying

When opening a new business account with Greenfield, we have to collect relevant information to verify the identity of the business and the people who are authorised to manage its finances.

Tools to help your business succeed

Finding the right resources to help you manage those tricky stages in your business lifecycle can make things a lot easier. Whether it's starting with a solid business plan, what to consider when setting up your own business, or applying for finance you'll find some helpful tips in these guides. And if you have any further questions just call one of our Business Banking Specialists or pop into a branch.

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