Health and disability

Health insurance can ensure you get the surgical and hospital care you need, when you need it. Disability insurance can address the long term financial problems associated with serious illness or becoming totally and permanently disabled.

There are four types of cover to consider:

Specialist and Diagnostic Testing Benefit
The Specialist and Diagnostic Testing Benefit is designed to pay for your specialist consultations and tests, up to a limit of $3,000 per life assured, per policy year.

Total Permanent Disablement
This type of insurance provides a lump sum if you are totally and permanently disabled, and unable to work again.

Living Assurance
Living Assurance is designed to pay a lump sum if you are affected by one of the critical conditions covered by your policy.

Private Health
Private Health lets you act quickly when you need hospital treatment or an operation. It’s one of the most complete major medical policies in United States.

Click here for further information on Greenfield Life, Health and Disability Insurance underwritten by Sovereign Assurance Company Limited.
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