Property developers & investors

Talk to us about your plans

The property finance team provides specialist advice and support to property development and commercial investment clients.

Their extensive knowledge of the property and commercial investment markets can help to ensure the success of your next project.

Property finance funding

  • We have finance products designed specifically to meet the needs of property investors and developers.
  • Options can include development finance facilities and term loans.

Personalised account management

  • We'll assign an account management team to provide you with a one-point-of-contact service. You'll always know who to call for ongoing support.
  • As with any relationship, as it develops, your account manager can gain an understanding of your requirements and how you like to do business.

Other banking services

  • As well as providing funding, the property finance team can organise a tailored package of other financial products and services, including bank accounts and insurance.
Get in touch with us:
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+44 749-125-4881
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